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El Recoveco organic agriculture.

World, South America, Uruguay, Villa Serrana



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 4 volunteers

An experimental project involving organic agriculture, construction using natural and recycled materials. We have a strong interest in bringing forward the organic seed exchange (you are always welcome to bring some seeds and we are happy to exchange). The project started in 2010 and is developing step by step - learning by living with nature in a very precious place. We invite you to go back to the roots, to work and create with us. We are not directly connected with public transport and the next city is quite far away. If you are interested we tell you how to get there.
In this moment we are only around 5 people (we have a baby) living here as well as 3 little dogs, a cat.... we ask you to stay at least 10 days

Un proyecto experimental que involucra agricultura organica, construccion con materiales naturales y recicladas. Participamos de una red de semillas organicas (estan bienvenidos de traer semillas para intercambio). El proyecto fue iniciado en el 2010 y se sigue desarollando paso a paso aprendiendo a convivir con la naturaleza en un preciado lugar. Les invitamos a participar de crear con nosotros en este proyecto. No estamos directamente conectado con transporte publico y la proxima ciudad no queda muy cerca. Si estas interesado te contamos como llegar.

En este momento somos 5 personas, 3 perras y un gato... viviendo aquí (tenemos un bebe).
Estadia minima: 10 dias

About the host

Mauricio (46)

Host since



English, German, Spanish

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Somos una pareja Uruguayo - Alemana con 3 hijos, ecologistas agricultores guardianes de semillas.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • farming
  • help in the house
  • teaching projects
  • maintenance tasks

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room, shared room

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved

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