Lifechanyuan Thailand Home's June Games and Entertainment Activities

June 16, 2024

To welcome the new member, Gesang, an informal game event was organized on June 10th in Thai home. The clever and creative fairy, Baichuan, designed and led the games. The day started with prayers at 9 am, followed by the group dance “Green Whirlwind”. The games included: Eagle Catching Chicks, Crossing the Prairie, Football Match, Inviting the Fairy to Sit, Pass the Cucumber, Find the Header, Circle Step, Red-Blue Reverse Thinking, Rabbit Dance, Harmonious Counting, Bottle Pairing, and Harmonious Cup Stacking. Some games seemed simple but were engaging and thought-provoking. In the afternoon, everyone enjoyed dinner with members from the Mango Orchard, followed by impromptu singing and dancing, making for a joyous and wonderful day.

Previously an optometrist, Gesang experienced farm work for the first time and, within a week, found a liking for it. He expressed that he has started a new life in second home and is willing to learn to do any work needed. Reading the 800 values has given him unwavering faith in Lifechanyuan, and he said it is a path he will follow for life.

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