IV. Immersed in the jungle
October 22, 2018
As we told you in the previous post, we are now volunteering at Yacutinga Lodge, a fantastic Eco Lodge dedicated to Nature Conservation. We're helping out mainly with social media, writing some articles and giving a hand on general tasks. There's still plenty of time though to enjoy ourselves and this wonderful nature around us.
Feeling what we are feeling
Let's try something different this week. We really want to bring you along on this trip, we want to share this wonderful experience as if you were one of our mates, traveling along this amazing Sudamericana and here at Yacutinga Lodge, right now.
Try to focus on the words we're writing here to you, regardless of the environment you are at.
Close your eyes, breath deeply in order to calm your mind. Try to imagine yourself immersed by the greenest green you've ever seen, the purest and most virgin jungle you can imagine. The sounds of nature, coming from all around, are impossible to pass unnoticed: you hear the cicaras, the crickets, various unbelievable bird songs, some monkey vocalisations and the sound of their movements while jumping on the trees, all in a perfect synchronisation. There's at least 5 different types of butterflies and bugs within your field of vision.
Your tasks are over for today. The sun is still up, warm and shiny in the absolute blue sky - it's spring time in the subtropics!
While you're walking near the pool, so very well merged with the jungle that you can only notice it a few meters away, you realise a sound behind you, coming from the dry leaves scatred on the floor - it's a lizard! A 70cm long lizard, with such a perfect camuflaje that you barely distinguish it from the layer of hummus on the floor.
The heat is so intense, the air is clear with a subtile hint of humidity. Why bear the heat? Strip you cloths and jump on this refreshing waters from the pool.
These have been pretty much our days, but of course that we've been working hard too. At least 5 hours of our day have been dedicated to photo-sessions with the yoga teacher, magnificent gourmet dishes from Yacutinga's Chef, taking captions of this precious jungle, of the beautiful architecture from the Lodge's complexes, and trying to put into words all this things in order to create nice and appealing articles for their website, blog, Facebook and Instagram.
It's been fantastic, and we are glad we can share this with you. Thank you ever so much for reading.
If you don't want to miss anything of our trip, please look for The Helping Tugas on Facebook and Instagram.
Have a great week!