World, Europe, Czech Republic, Kořenov
World, Europe, Czech Republic, Kořenov
We need 2 volunteers
We run mountain pension and we need help with all kinds of work around the house. We need a cook. Full time, or part time, and another person for cleaning, help in the kitchen.
Staff does not speak any other language than Czech, so it is great opportunity to learn some. And we need you to teach personnel few words in English/German too.
And we have new project - it is construction work on detached house, four hours a day of work for accommodation, meals and all the fun around.
Could take few weeks, i will be present there only in the weekends.
More photos on site:
Czech, Nederlands, English, German, Russian
I am 48 y.o. working in multimedia, and providing I.T. infrastructure for Turnovska Chata. I also organize there land-art and music festival M.U.H.Ú.
Retro rooms with shared bathrooms.
There is restaurant