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Birding the backyards of Ecuadorian Amazon towns

World, South America, Ecuador, Huamboya



Travel dates

27°C, 06:08

About the workproject

We need 5 volunteers

My name is Antonio Rivadeneira and I am 39 years old.
I am an eco-tour operator in Morona Santiago Province. I decided that my organization needs to offer eco-tours only. So I started to seek for small and big natural sites, gardens and backyards where to reforest or conserve for making these places attractions for visitors that want to live memorable experiences in the Amazonian of Ecuador.
I dedicate my time to monitor birds in the areas that make an attraction for birding along the road E45 in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I am paying more attention to gardens and backyards that show a great presence of species of birds.
People who come to visit the places where I am investigating and registering birds can enjoy nature and many landscapes and help me with the registration work of birds. Also my guests can arrange ecological feeders together with me.
I offer comfortable accomodations that combined with sincere friendship a lovely atmosphere is lived.
Part of my job is to arrange ecological feeders for birds on the farms and natural places and sharing the message of importance of wildlife conservation. I don't do this for profit but for my passion for birds. I get funds from teaching of English and cooperation for arranging birding sites in the countryside of many towns of Morona Santiago.

About the host

Antonio (49)

Host since




I speak English.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I am Antonio RIvadeneira. I am 39 years old. I am living in Puyo City in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I enjoyed nature all my life. I am working on a Project denominated as BIRDING THE BACKYARDS OF ECUADORIAN AMAZON TOWNS. My Project consists on monitoring birds and arranging ecological feeders for birds in those places where I have chosen for founding Bird-watching stations. Also all this work is providing data for a Book which is named as the Project. I need all kind of help about nature and photography.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • teaching projects
  • tourist support
  • eco projects

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room, guest house, bungalow, cabin

Once you get in our Bird-watching stations, you will have your own room. My accomodations include comfortable place for lodging and good countryside food.
The Bird-watching stations according to our arrangement: is or are houses made from wood or from bricks where we have an office and rooms for sleeping. The bathroom is inside the house and in other cases outside the house.

  • shared meals

The meals are prepared by the staff selected according to turns of responsibility if the volunteers consider this program. Otherwise; the staff of the Project will do this.The volunteers will participate in the preparation of meals too when they adapt to this and it is expressed by themselves. For each day there will be a turn to play among the people involved or guests.

  • no money is involved