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Rentals to take of

World, Europe, France, Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano


You can't send a message to Fabrice, because the account is 'on hold'. This means that Fabrice does not want to receive any new offers at this time.

27°C, 08:27

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

We operate a 5 appartment house in a small village in Corsica. We need help for cleaning and little maintenance.
You'll have your own room. You do need a driving license to get around and enjoy your stay. The beach is 20 minutes away smile
Some monetary compensation is involved.

About the host

Fabrice (67)

Host since



English, French, German, Spanish

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I was a traveller myself. I lived in the states (Florida mostly) for 10 years, Spain for 8 years, Mexico for 2 years and various other places for 6 months (Morrocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahmas, Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Lucia, Turkey, Greece, Italy)
I like sports and am 58 years old.
Our guests are from everywhere: We have had Americans, Canadians, Germans, Italians, Czech, Swiss. Mosty Europeans though.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • help in the house

Expected workhours

  • 4 hours a day
  • 6 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room

  • self catering

  • no money is involved