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Small music festival needs you to build a atmospheric site

World, Europe, Switzerland, Uster



Travel dates

27°C, 06:14

About the workproject

We need 5 volunteers

For the third time the Konkret > Festival takes place at a former car-scrapyard. A widespread range of local bands, the cozy informal athmosphere and the good beer makes us love this event. To build up the various infrastructure like bars, tents, a camping site and more we need you as a member of our team. Further infos:

About the host

Miro Manuel

Miro Manuel (34)

Host since



English, French, German

There are different people which are able to speak more languages.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I'm 27 years old, work at the Verein Konkret, a nature conservation organisation in the zurich highlands. In my spare time you find me at the Greifenlake, at the tablefootbaltable or in a bar. wink

Enjoying the life since 25 years and not working in a common sense so i don't know any spare time.

We're together responsible for build up the festival site, fire installations and to make sure you'll have a good time.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • construction
  • help in the house
  • eco projects
  • art projects

Expected workhours

  • 8 hours a day
  • 6 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • shared room, shared apartment, tent

On site is a big tent for all volunteers coverd floor with straw. Warm shower and toilets are situated in the nearby building. If you prefer you can also sleep in private houses of the organisators.

  • shared meals

The build-up crew is eating on site an you are welcome to join.

  • no money is involved

You get a Festival-T-Shirt, a voucher for some beers and food during the festival.