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Hungarian cottage with children and horses

World, Europe, Hungary, Táborfalva



Travel dates

27°C, 09:06

About the workproject

We need 2 volunteers

We are an organic family farm with many children, island horses and lots of other animals. We are located in the middle of the wonderful Hungarian "puszta", which is a sandy area, just like in the desert of Africa, but with more rain and therefore green. Budapest is only 50 km, reachable in about 50 minutes. It is an unforgettable and unique nature surrounding and a beautiful cottage, more than 150 years old. We will have children to familiarise with the country living and learning to ride and we would appreciate to have an international helping hand. So if you like riding and children, this is an ideal opportuinity!!

About the host

Demszky (51)

Host since



English, German, Hungarian

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I am a sociologist, married with 3 children. We have a lot of experience with intercultural exchange and we really enjoy to have a nem family member from abroad.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • farming
  • language practice
  • help in the house

Expected workhours

  • 4 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private apartment

Private appartment: one room, kitchen and bathroom

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved