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Zermatt; all Year Ski Resort and Hiking Paradise Looking for Help with taking care of apartment and guests

World, Europe, Switzerland, Zermatt



Travel dates

27°C, 06:49

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

My apartment is located at Zermatt/Winkelmatten where so many hiking strails starts. I'm renting out rooms and offer breakfast and dinner for the traveler. I appreciate hostel help. If you are easy going with people who ever it is, you like housework, you like to explore the Swiss Alps you might enjoy staying here with us.
I consider ONLY A WOMAN!

About the host

Constanze (68)

Host since



English, French, German, Spanish

I can communicate in French and Spanish but I'm not good in writing. So I work a little most days on both languages. My next language I need to learn is Korean, since I have many Korean guests.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Last year I graduated together with my daughter at the same time and have now a Masters of Fine Art in Nonfiction Creative Writing. I'm a writer. At the same time I have my little 'Youth-hostel' for all ages and all people from different walks of life. I rent out four rooms from my apartment and enjoy very much to bring people together while we have meals together.
I have two children. My daughter, 21, lives in California, my son, 23, studies in Switzerland.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • hostel support

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • shared apartment

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved

After 2. week Fr 100 a week.