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Alternative farm in beautiful wood- and mountain system need help

World, Europe, Croatia, Caglin



Travel dates

27°C, 05:38

About the workproject

We need 2 volunteers

I live on a ground in little mountainsystem Krndija in eastern Croatia with 2 ha, near Nasice. I work on alternativstile on my farm, mading fences only of the material of wood upon me for my animals (sheeps, donkeys, chickens, turkeys and gues). I make big garden, conservate the vegitables, dry apples, make jam and Aivar and much more. I seing own weat for bread, what I make at myself too. I have much fruittrees, seing new exotical kontinantal kinds and work a vineyard with 5 lines. Too, I make hei for my animals without much mashines, specelly the turning of the gras I make by hand.
In planing for this and the next years are to build some heavenlakes on my ground for more permakulturing, build a shelter of yellow claysoil in the vineyard for sitting, eating, sleeping and to enyou landskape. I want make a windmill for own energy, build a allusing-oven for heating, boiling water, baking and smoking meat (all in one), to experimate more in garden, as example to let potatos in wintertime outside under straw and earthhill. I want use the wole of my sheeps for make own socks and clothes. Its very much work, but in my eyes the best ekonomicstil for living with nature in satisfight and peace together, because I dont go much in supermarket, have 70% of material for building around me.
My vision is it, to make here a community, which can sign enother people in world, what is possible in contract with nature. That people hopefully want understand, to turn back to her. Because nature is our god and not an imagine man in the clouds.

For that project I need help, alone I want go under with only 2 hands and 1 mind. I have good workinghands, but me is falling the creativity. If you are interested to go me by hand and help my with organisation, please contact me.

Now at September is to do work to harvest 15 lines potatos and the rest of vegitables, make hei of luzerne, vine of my graves and autumapples, build a glasbox around my sunboiler for shower, build a new hugel in garden, lift much yellow claysoil out upon vineyard and prefair it for follow year in vineyard for the shelter, cut wood for that shelter, fencerepairing and more and do it with donkeys down. Thats for 2017. At new year want coming the lambs, making of sirup of sugarturnip, repairing tools, prefair garden. In spring is to made the shelter in vineyard and build the heavenlake.

About the host


Host since



Croatian, English, German

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

• I am Danny, a german village guy, but living since more den 3 years in Croatia. I hiked before by feet and later with donkey through half europe, maded slideshows. I desided after that to buy house and ground in eastern Croatia. Now I am still on my alternativfarm with 2 ha in the mountains (calling "Krndija"). Its very much nature around, you can see rabbits, deers, foxes and more during day. No much cars or enouther bad civilicationillnesses are here, sometimes only traktorsounds. In front are the sounds of birds specelly in morning, the air is clean and you can see stars very good during night. We are 9 people in my village, next village with more people and a store is 4 km far away. The street is a stonestreet, but good to drive.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • farming
  • eco projects
  • animal care

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room, trailer / caravan

For sleepingplaces I have one room with two beds and a campingtrailer with 2 enougher beds, but with place for 5 persons (maybe in August and April is not at me). The house is old and not fancy, but I renovate every year something. If its wish I have a outsidebed on veranda in sumertime, too. On veranda is a closed showerroom, during summer with sunboiler. Toilet is outside. We heat with wood in a oven in house, cocking too. If its to hot inside we cock meals on a outsideoven.

  • shared meals

The meals are in front vegetarian, eggs I get from chickens and milk during summer of my sheeps. Sometime I slaught some chicken, turkey or sheep for meat and conservate it, but that mostly in wintertime.
Water I get from my fountain through a pump. Specelly another things for drinking here are homemaded sirups and vine. Beer I can buy in market, but its possible to make it to atself, if its wish to experimentate.

  • no money is involved