World, North America, Mexico, Tepotzotlán
World, North America, Mexico, Tepotzotlán
We need 2 volunteers
We have around 600m land were we are building our owen house and garden bit by bit.
We would love to have a helping hand with the construction. Some woodwork licke furnitur has to be don, a bit painting, metal work welding a railing for the roof terrace, to render walls from 2 rooms......
As well we would love to practic our english and can teach spanish as exchance.
From mai to octuber ther is as well some gardening work.
We are looking for 1 person but if you travell togheter we accept 2
English, French, German, Spanish
I speak some french but not so good. My english culd be better it's not so bad. Swissgerman is my mother language and my spanish is fluent.
I always loved to travel and ended up lifing in mexico after 2 years of treveling. Now I'm 35 and life since almost 8 years here with my mexican wife. 4 years ago we bought a pice of land and started to build bit by bit our house. Our idea is to gif once spanish clases, offer tours, mexican cocking clases....
We life from making handmade jewelery and celling them on weekends in the local market sence our village is really turistic.
We have a nice new department with smal kichen and badroom. We are renting it on airbnb but mostly it's empty and waiting for you.
You can eat with us if you want mostly vegetarienfood, wich we prepare togheter.
If some one realy maks a good job I\'ll be happy to suport your travell buget.