We need 2 volunteers
We are a couple (Katy and John) who live on a rural coastal property at Guthalungra, North Queensland. Our property boarders the Elliot River and has views of nearby Cape Upstart and the Coral Sea.
We try to be as self sustaining as possible by growing our own vegetables and fruit, our beef is grown on the property and our fish, prawns and mud crab we catch in the nearby Elliot river and Coral Sea. We have free range chickens to provide eggs and pigs for our ham and bacon. During March to September we grown a variety of vegetables for the household, where we can teach our helpers how to grow produce is our dry, hot climate. They learn how to prepare the soil, to pot and plant seedings, how to weed around the plants, pick, dry and freeze the produce and how to make sun-dried tomatoes, jams, cakes, desserts, relish, pickles, chutney, preserves etc.
We need help with caring for our animals, the vegetable garden and fruit trees. Keeping the helpers house and main house clean, sharing the cooking and general maintenance tasks.
Katy and John in our early 60's, live on our farm called "Korringal" with our 2 border collie dogs, cows, chickens and pigs. Katy works off the farm 4 days per week, John works full time on the farm. We are trying to be a self sustaining as possible, producing most of our own vegetables, fruit, eggs and meat. We love what we do and to share our love of the farm and what we produce.
We provide food at the cottage for self catering, with helpers joining us to prepare and share some meals at the main house