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Olive farm needs help with clearing & pruning

World, Europe, Spain, El Perelló



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

We have a small Olive farm that needs clearing and trees that need pruning. In November we will be collecting the Olives. Sometimes we would ask for help with sitting our animals in any short absences, We are in Catalunya, near Tarragona, where our nearest village is a 15 minute drive away. We have a pony, chickens and two lovable dogs! We are looking for help from the end of October to the middle of December 2022 and in exchange for full board, we would ask for 5 hours work over a day with week ends free. We are flexible on which days work is done. The accommodation is a self contained area housing a single bed, table, wood burner, T.V. & D.V.D. Off this room is the shower room, toilet and sink for your private use, as is the porch outside the sliding door. There is WI FI throughout.
We need help with clearing and this will involve using a chain saw and a heavy brush cutter. Also the ability to drive a small tractor would be helpful but we would be willing to instruct on any of the machinery if desired which would help you attain a new skill, We can't emphasise enough that this is hard work but we are both in our mid sixties and do this work everyday!

About the host



Host since



English, Spanish

We both have basic Spanish.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

My name is Roger, married to Kathy. We are animal lovers and both love the land. Kathy teaches English whilst I run our small farm. We both enjoy the countryside. We are not vegetarians and will prepare basic 'English' food. The both of us enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and don't have a problem with people who are smokers. We would prefer the helper to be a person who is comfortable with their own company, as well as being able to socialise with us and someone who wouldn't expect to be entertained all of the time but enjoys their private space. With this in mind, the self contained accommodation would suit such a person. The helper also needs to be able to work alone without requiring constant supervision.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • farming
  • language practice
  • maintenance tasks
  • animal care
  • pet sitting
  • house sitting

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • no money is involved

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