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Retreat Centre in Central Scotland would love your support...

World, Europe, Scotland, Saline



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

Cherry tree Lodge is a non-denominational retreat centre and guest house founded in 2011, for all faiths and none. We welcome a diverse range of facilitators who offer well-being approaches and technologies and their participants Many of our guests come from Central Scotland and some from further afield.

We are a safe, nourishing space set in a stunning landscape that nourishes the soul, holding transformational processes allowing an emergence of the true, connected self, bringing about a deeper inner peace. Most if not all of us want to experience well-being & inner peace. At times we experience challenging emotions and unhelpful patterns of behaving in ourselves. Given the right environment & support we are able to turn inward, face ourselves and in so doing find meaning, joy & connection.

Our bodies, relationships, communities & society need to be nourished just as our minds & hearts. Where to begin? Here it starts with self. Having made peace inside, we are able to meet the world around us with compassion. When there is peace within there is peace without.

On a residential exchange you become more deeply involved with the offering of the space – a being of service and our expectations of you are mutually so.

We value authenticity, integrity, honesty and self-awareness.

We have put together an outline of our offer and our expectations as a result of our residential exchange hosting experience so far. We find that it helps to clarify how we do work exchanges and what is expected of someone who comes to support us. Expectations have a greater chance of being met for both parties, if there is good communication prior to any arrangements, leading to a more all-round, fulfilling experience.

Here is the link to our offer and expectations:

About the host

Mark (60)

Host since



English, French, German, Spanish

Fluent in English & German, a little French and currently learning Spanish.

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Mark & Till are the founders of Cherry Tree Lodge - Inner Peace for a Compassionate World.

Up to 2005 Mark had built his career in training and development for a high street bank. After receiving redundancy he re–trained, in massage, EFT, and reiki. He has been a Heartfulness practitioner since 2009. He has trained with Relate as a couple counsellor and is a certified facilitator of Grof’s Holotropic Breathwork with Caledonian Holotropic.

He has had the good fortune to run a spiritual retreat centre, living in community, in north east Scotland for a year where he gained considerable experience hosting guests who were either touring the area or who were enjoying a longer retreat stay. He has initiated a number of personal and spiritual development groups, is a brother of the Man Kind Project and having moved to the Kingdom of Fife in 2011 to set up a retreat centre with his husband Till, he looks forward to offering you the Cherry Tree Lodge experience.

Till works as a doctor in palliative care. During his junior doctor years he completed a 3 ½ year counselling diploma course at ReVision, Centre for Integrative Psychosynthesis. He studied Theology in the distant past, explored Grof Holotropic breathwork and other self-development tools. He is committed to mindfulness and buddhist practices and is a member of the Western Chan Fellowship – which has a Chinese Zen approach to cultivating insight & compassion. He also supports the aims of the Contemplative Consciousness Network.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • language practice
  • help in the house

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • private room

Pictured is a typical room ion the retreat centre that you will be living in. You may need to move rooms depending on availability until we build a dedicated residential exchange space - you might even be helping to build it!

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved

For long term stays - 4 months plus, for the right person, we offer a stipend too.