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Join our country life and help us pursue self-sufficiency

World, Europe, Poland, Zdrojewo



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 3 volunteers

This is our family farm. We live in beautiful land with a nineteen century house in Vistula Landscape Park. The house is surrounded with a fruit and nut orchard and lies near many forests and meadows. The garden is being made on the VI ground class (the lowest ground class) which has been cultivated in a traditional way before. The production of ecological, agricultural products is to provide for the basic needs of the family. Little extra is sold for the profit of the family and mainly for the maintenance of the farm.

We are trying to introduce permaculture solutions in every aspect of our country life and we are pursuing to self sufficiency. That is the reason why we're using low cost and low energy infrastructure. We're using composting toilets and solar shower in the summer. Our tanks can collect 4.000 litres of rain water. We use it for watering the plants in dry weather. We also use natural building methods to repaire our home.

Country live true nature cycle
Every spring we start with new garden season. It means preparing seedlings, spreading and of course planting. We're introducing new plants in the food forest - we plan the trees and bushes planting.
We also prepare new beds in the permaculture garden.
In the summer we harvest fruit, vegetables and nuts. The vegetables and fruits which we cannot eat are preserved for winter.
In June and July we mow the meadow and collect hay which we use for mulching in the permaculture garden.
In September we prune the trees in the orchard.
We also collect and clean the seeds of different fruit and vegetables and store them in our seed bank.
On spring 2020 we're starting with poultry project. We want to adapt one of the buildings to a chicken house and build a chicken tractor.
Help is needed in the different activities depending on the part of the year.

About the host

Bartek (35)

Host since



English, Polish

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

Marta and Bartek.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • farming
  • help in the house
  • maintenance tasks

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • camper, tent

We have a camping trailer (shared with other travelers)
Tents are also an option.

  • shared meals

We provide vegetarian food (Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian - includes eggs and dairy) based on the seasonal products from the permacultural garden. Meals are prepared in the garden kitchen, mostly form the vegetables harvested in the farm and are shared with the rest of the community.

  • no money is involved