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Manual help wanted urgently in sunny Alentejo Portugal... URGENT...

World, Europe, Portugal, setubal



Travel dates

27°C, 08:25

About the workproject

We need 11 volunteers

Come and join us living and working in nature using recycled materials,living off the land.
We are looking for enthusiastic, reliable and physically fit or general people that will help in the easier tasks,couples,single people to come and help on our farm,
tasks to include....
Musicians create your own music shack.
*Cuddle the animals,walk,brush,wash the dogs.
*Cook and create.
* Veg and Fruit Tree Planting Long term growth to mouth.
* Preserving produce.
* Herb gardens and producing.
* Permaculture
* Making outsize kitchen and seating area.
* Alternative energy enthusiasts.
* Plumbers,electricians and carpenters.
* Finishing building a wooden bridge over stream.
* Renovating a cob bread oven.
* Making fire pit with seating.
* Making solid dog kennels out of reclaim timber.
* Making doors.
* Sign making
* Outside wall Artistic painting.
* Putting up fencing
* Making permanent animal pens for our animals
* Helping fix up our traditional Portuguese house and bread oven
* Painting and building work
* Creating a bunkhouse.
* Creating a little cottage.
* Creating bedrooms,kitchen and a bathroom.
* Digging and strimming
* Gardening and landscaping.
* Animal care
* Round pen.
* Cooking / Pizza nights / Opening Cafe
* Home educating.
* Arts and Crafts.
* Many workshops and events.
And much much more !!!!!!
Interested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You bring your own tents,caravans,moto homes etc
On our Farm we have many animals including horses,barking mad dogs,cats,poultry and goat. We grow fruit and vegetables.
Spare time Singing,dancing,music bring your own instruments,walking in beautiful land ,woods and to the lakes.
Send an e-mail {email blocked} or PM or telephone {number blocked}
I'm a free spirit exploring this beautiful existence. I'm curious and interested in basically everything
can be known. I'm a co-creator I love to create, build and discover. As a landscape architect I'm constantly
learning how to play with the elements and one of my passions to make the world around us a better and
greener place. Passionate about education, grow your own food farming, alternative building materials,
alternative power sources. I'm a creative person who loves to create and be surrounded by beauty...whether
in nature or within a peaceful home or garden. My spirituality is woven into every part of my life...I'm a deep
person, but down to earth with a love of laughter and silliness. I love to connect authentically with people and
I value close relationships. I'm very intuitive and introspective,communicative, sensual, bright, and creative in
a myriad of ways. I am strong yet very sensitive and appreciate the connection between the two.
I am most passionate about sharing my gifts at this time in my life. I will start with the goal of this.
The ultimate goal is Better life. We all want it. I know how to get it. I feel like I have the power. The power
to make a choice. The real power to make things differently to do things my way. To make things happen.
To pull things out of my imagination and turn them into a reality. I am here and ready. So here it is giving the
world a chance to have a little laugh.
This is not an attempt to fix the world. I am not here to try and provide a solution to all mankind suffering.
This is an attempt to fix my world and make it a lot happier place to be.
I am a dreamer and a philosopher. I over explain and overdo things. It is my nature to try harder and do more.
It is however great when the try harder bit is aimed at entertainment and having more fun in life, having a
better life in general

About the host

Elizabeth (70)

Host since



Nederlands, English, French, German

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I am single with adult children.We love all animals,we own dogs,cats,horses,parrot,poultry,goat and live off the land in the nature.
We have a vision to set ourselves up with a Solid Working Farm, to start a center for sustainable living aquaponic, permaculture system and eventually expand into an eco-village. Our aim is to provide the public with information on how to live sustainable. Having areas and buildings: for workshops,talks and a sustainable education center. An information resource center providing help on skill sharing, lift sharing, land share, recycling, free giving of items.... helping people,the poor,needy,children,elderly,a animal rescue with long term care, many, many more ideas to create a resilient community for the future.We would like to share experiences and ideas for an ideal sustainable living model, sharing food production, transport, waste management and energy use.We’re really looking for other like minded people who would like to come in with us on our plans.

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • construction
  • farming
  • help in the house
  • teaching projects
  • maintenance tasks
  • eco projects
  • animal care
  • charity work
  • art projects
  • computer help
  • internet support
  • child care / au pair

Expected workhours

  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • camper, tent, trailer / caravan, motor home, chalet

  • shared meals

Meat Eaters


Raw Food


All no problem

  • no money is involved