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Boutique hotel / Environmental reserve by the mountains in Brazil

World, South America, Brazil, Conceição do Ibitipoca



Travel dates

About the workproject

We need 1 volunteer

We are an experimental socio-environmental project focused on man and his home, the planet. We believe in harmony between human beings and nature.
The regenerative tourism is one of our strategies to bring full sustainability to the project.
The hotel itself needs some support in general areas such as guiding and general stuff in the kitchen, gardening, etc etc. But the main point is: As we work only wotk local people, we want to have foreigners so we can practice and learn English. Therefore, we are open for people with differnt backgrounds and intensions as our main goal is to have English classes and practice during the daily activities wink

About the host


Host since



English, Portuguese, Spanish

Last seen online

more than 6 month ago

I am Claudia, I also did a volunteer abroad in the past, now a run a very special Lodge in Brazil, it is recognized as one of the best in the country. A part from the Hotel, we have lots of attarctions sush as waterfalls, trails, lakes, etc and dozens of environmental and social projects. Personally I love everything we do here as outdoor activities is my main passion smile

Project dates

Open for offers, contact us

Work to be done

  • gardening
  • language practice
  • help in the house
  • teaching projects
  • maintenance tasks
  • hostel support

Expected workhours

  • 6 hours a day
  • 5 days a week

Work exchange deal

  • shared apartment

We have a guesthouse with a male and female room. You may have to share with someone from our staff. The house has its own kitchen but also you can come to the hotel and eat with the rest of the staff. People says food is one off our highlights smile

  • shared meals

  • no money is involved

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