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Fabio (35)

World, Europe, Italy, Siena

Project dates

Work to be done

Your accommodation

Do small things with great love.

Volunteer since


Nativo Italiano, can talk in English, y el idioma Espanol esta guay tìo!

Last seen online
more than 6 month ago

Preferred location

I'm an Italian Erasmus Student in Madrid and find a way to live here with an Erasmus budget and not stressed wink


I'm studing Science of Comunication and I'm an Artist, not in the meaning that I am 'cos I have done something rilevant but 'cos I NEED TO CREATE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!
Well the life of an artist is not simple so in my life I had the opportunity to learn more usefull skills that I can spent for a job.

Additional info

I am a smoker, don't have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

Really at the moment I'm tring not smoke and I like vegetarian dishes

Type of work I want to do

  • gardening
  • help in the house
  • language practice
  • maintenance tasks
  • teaching projects
  • animal care
  • art projects
  • charity work
  • computer help
  • eco projects
  • internet support
  • pet sitting
  • tourist support

Where I want to volunteer

