My name is Elif Yildirim. I am a Canadian citizen. I would like to visit Cambridge England, to get the British accent and get my certification program of teaching English. In order to take the step of education.
I would firstly, need homestay, were it can be financially beneficial for both parties. I want someone who can offer me accommodation & who I can help with their project in return.
Ps.I am fluent in English and French, I would like to send you my Cv.
Can you please inform me about the options available for me?
Looking forward from hearing you soon.
Elif Yildirim
I studied Publique Relations, In Canada Toronto, at la Cité Collégiale in York University. I studied a year of psychology as well.
Skills of organizational strong and excellent communication skills.
Flexiblity, Reliability,Punctuality and Energetic.
I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.