I'm 21 years old, currently studying, i hope that one day i can be a filmmaker (that gets paid) i like watching alot of movies, and i want to travel around the world to get to know myself and other people, I think it's importanto to see as much as we can of this world.
As long as the persons that need my help speaks spanish or english i'm willing to go anywhere
I'm currently sutdying audiovisual media, wich means i know about photography, video recording and editing, but i am willing to do anything needed, like help in the house, maintenance, outside work, etc. i'm a hard worker that learns quick.
I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.
India, Japan
Cyprus, England, Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Spain, ... 1 moreWales
Cuba, Puerto Rico
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Australia, Fiji, Guam, New Zealand
Costa Rica, Panama
Canada, Mexico, USA