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You can't send a message to Mikel, because the account is 'on hold'. This means that Mikel does not want to receive any new offers at this time.

Volunteer since


Last seen online
more than 6 month ago

About me

I am easygoing person. I like being around people and have good relation with them. I think that if you are surronded for lovely people whatever you are doing, you will be happy.
First of all, I studied to being electrician and I felt that it was not my way. Afer that, I studied to be administrative and now that I am working in a Research company like administrative, I am very happy with the job and tasks that I have. I like work giving support to other people.
In the last years I have discovered a new passion, do sport. I like, swimming, running and biking. I am not a competitive person, therefore I trie to improve but always without forget the objetive: enjoy the free time.
All people tell me that one of my characteristic is my smile, allways I am smiling. Is an automatic action for me, I can not avoit it and I shoud not avoid it grin


A little bit of everything. I have studied electricity and administrative, therefore I have worked in very differents areas. I have worked in a producción line, cleaning house communities, machine tool... Nowadays I work in a research company doing administrative task, I am very happy because I like work with people and giving suppor to others. I like works with variety of tasks because you can learn and share different skills.

Additional info

I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

Type of work I want to do

  • animal care
  • charity work
  • help in the house
  • hostel support
  • maintenance tasks

Where I want to volunteer

