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You can't send a message to John, because the account is 'on hold'. This means that John does not want to receive any new offers at this time.

Live and let Live.

Volunteer since


Last seen online
more than 6 month ago


Greetings, my skills range from deep sea fishing to tourist support in Ecuador and the US, California love meditation and some Yoga when needed, love mountain biking and outdoors, bonsai tree from seed, gardening in general, fluent in english and spanish, some mechanical skills, good with people, public relations, good with animals and birds, good cooking skills and very clean living.

Additional info

I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

I love my vegies and fish , meat very seldome do I find good meat in Ecuador.

Type of work I want to do

  • hostel support
  • house sitting
  • language practice
  • pet sitting
  • tourist support

Where I want to volunteer

South America
