I am 47 yr old English girl who love to travel. I am mother to 2 teenage girls who also share time with their dad. I crave new experiences, and feel it's my time to get back on the road now the girls are older .
I need a break
I have ridden horses all my life. I can assist in breaking in yearlings. I lived in Florida running hotel for 8 years then worked for the bank of America. Lived in North Carolina . Moved back to UK had 2 kids. Now they are older I need a break. I love to learn and get my hands dirty I can replace a toilet, I can balance the pH in the swimming pool . I can build custom and make beds .
I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have allergies.
Hay fever but no problem
England, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy