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Luciana (28)

World, North America, USA,

Project dates

Work to be done

Your accommodation

Make the invisible, visible

Volunteer since


Born and raised as english speaker

Last seen online
4 weeks ago

About me

I'm Luciana. But I am also several other people, we call ourselves a poly soul. Transfeminine is the closest word to match... but in truth doesnt really fit. Even names feel limiting lately. I like writing, drawing, making music, and pretty things. Intensely spiritual, yet not interested in fluffery. I have lived all over the US... but this country is so empty of magick. Our culture is industry, our spirit is corporations, i seek the long lost ancient vril of the old world...

Preferred location

I need to go to ireland, although interested in the UK as well. Im open, I've no job, no spouse, no thing to tie me down


I like to draw, write, make edit videos and music and enjoy adventuring. I love taking care of baby animals especially and am good with keepign things tidy

Additional info

I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

Type of work I want to do

  • art projects
  • help in the house
  • hostel support
  • house sitting
  • pet sitting

Where I want to volunteer


Ireland, Scotland

Travel dates