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Sergio (37)

World, Europe, Spain, Toledo

Project dates

Work to be done

Your accommodation

Dont live in the past, try to create a good future

Volunteer since


Last seen online
more than 6 month ago

About me

In Spanish
Vivo en Toledo, aunque soy de Málaga, hice un voluntariado europeo en Gdansk en 2015-2016, en Polonia, posteriormente estuve durante 1 semana ayudando en un centro donde ayudan a la gente a salir de las drogas, y al año siguiente en Varsovia estuve enseñando español a polacos.
Ayudar a los demás es lo que me gusta y lo que que me completa como persona, pero tampoco puedo obligar a que si algún día tengo descendientes dependan de mi voluntariado, se merecen tener una educación digna como yo la tuve, por eso decidí, de forma temporal renunciar a lo que me gusta para poder ayudar a otra gente y que los que vengan detrás de mí puedan vivir en paz y en felicidad.
Me gusta la poesía y la naturaleza, conocer nuevas culturas y ayudar a que la gente que es infeliz deje de serlo.
Por eso el voluntariado es mi vida y quiero que lo sea siempre.
Ahora quiero defender la lucha contra el bullying y con mi experiencia defender a aquellos que lo sufren
In English
I live in Toledo, although I am from Malaga, I did a European volunteer in Gdansk in 2015-2016, in Poland, later I spent 1 week helping in a center where it helps people get out of drugs, and the following year in Warsaw I was teaching Spanish to Polish
Helping others is what I like and what completes me as a person, but neither can I force that if one day I have descendants they depend on my volunteering, they deserve to have a decent education like I did, that's why I decided, in a temporary giving up what I like to be able to help other people and that those who come after me can live in peace and happiness.
I like poetry and nature, getting to know new cultures and helping people who are unhappy stop being unhappy.
That's why volunteering is my life and I want it to always be.
Now I want to defend the fight against bullying and with my experience defend those who suffer from it

Preferred location

Initially I will travel by Europe, although i my wishes are go to Canada especially the place around Vancouver to live there in the future


I have studied a superior tecnical of laboratory, the bachiller of health science too, and I am finishing to do my EVS proyect now in Poland.
Thanks to this proyect I have learnt a lot of differents ways to be independant, like cook diferent dishes for example
In september of 2017 I got the B1 of Cambridge and thanks to this I have been selected for a future proyect in Canada but I need a lot of money to go there and I would like to have more knowledgements than now to have a life in a new country and I could move in him with more freedom.
Now I am living in Toledo, my wishes are study very much and finish my degree and in the future begin to travel by the world when I will have finished my degree
So I could do volunteer proyects in summer, because now I am studying in this city.

Additional info

I am not a smoker, don't have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.

I have some problems with lactosa for this I drinks soja milk and with the olive trees by the polen.

Type of work I want to do

  • art projects
  • charity work
  • computer help
  • language practice
  • teaching projects

Where I want to volunteer


Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, ... 7 morePoland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland

North America
