I have studied Cybernetics, control and Measurements. I work as software developer for 6 years. I feel, that I need to take a rest from this difficult work - too much thinking, too much stress, too much time in work. I would like to try working in another way, than I'm used to. To work not for money, but for people that really need to. And I think, HOVOS project is a great opportunity. My hobby: music recording and mixing, electronic music production, playing a trumpet, snowboarding, cycling, ice-hockey, fotball, swimming, yoga, acro-yoga, traveling.
I fell in love Indonesia on my vacation and now I'm seeking a way how to stay for longer time there or in similar country. I would like to try living in country with for me amazing culture, great peoples and magical spirit. In place near to sea, where live tempo is much slower than in Europe.
I have studied Cybernetics, control and Measurements. I work as software developer for 6 years. I am especially good with technical stuff, computers, internet but house electrical installation, constructions, building walls, farming, gardening is something what I’m used to do in my free time. Also I’m interested in musical art projects. I work part-time as operator of recording studio and also I play a trumpet in our art projects. My hobby is electronic music production and DJ-ing. I practice yoga for 9 years, so I'm able to lead small groups to exercise.
I am not a smoker, I have a drivers license, I am not a vegetarian and I have no allergies.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand