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volunteer 1-12 of 120


Spain, Madrid

Computer help | Hostel support | Internet support | Language practice

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Latvia , ...1 more

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Animal care | Help in the house | House sitting | Pet sitting

France, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland , ...1 more

Contact me about availability

Elena & Maria

Spain, Madrid

Help in the house | Language practice | Maintenance tasks | Teaching projects | ...4 more

Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Farming | Gardening | Help in the house | Language practice | ...4 more

Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden , ...3 more

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Construction | Help in the house | Language practice | Maintenance tasks | ...9 more

England, France, Scotland, Spain

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Maintenance tasks | Teaching projects

Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Singapore , ...40 more

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Art projects | Gardening | Language practice | Eco projects | ...1 more


Contact me about availability

Nuria & Matilde

Spain, Madrid

Charity work | Eco projects | Help in the house | Hostel support

Estonia, Northern Cyprus, Norway, Romania , ...1 more

Contact me about availability

Nur Cristina

Spain, Madrid

Gardening | Help in the house | Language practice | Maintenance tasks | ...3 more


Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Gardening | Help in the house | Language practice | Teaching projects | ...4 more

Portugal, Spain

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Art projects | Child care / au pair | Construction | Eco projects | ...8 more

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England , ...10 more

Contact me about availability


Spain, Madrid

Animal care | Art projects | Boat handlers | Charity work | ...9 more


Contact me about availability